Monday, May 31, 2010

Israel will pay for Hamas provocation

Some comments from Andrew Bolt and video of the tragedy of the deaths on the ship attempting to break the the blockade on the Gaza Strip recently

Israel will pay for Hamas provocation

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally, lawmakers to hear 'Bilderberg conspiracy'

Please read carefully and note the quotes from David Rockefeller and Dennis Healey. Also note the names involved in this blatantly globalist organization and it's affiliates.

Finally, lawmakers to hear 'Bilderberg conspiracy'

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Global governance is here!

Another article on an issue that alert Christians really need to educate themselves on

Global governance is here!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My perspective -- What Constance thinks

Interesting news item about Obamas America joining the Alliance of Civilzations. Australia apparently is already a member. Don't remember voting for that.The Alliance of Civilizations sounds like something out of the 'Left Behind' books but it's an arm of the UN with it's own website etc
My perspective -- What Constance thinks

Will the new science “prove” that God is in everything?

Lighthouse trails presents this info on the contemplative prayer 'link' in all religions and science and religion. Stay in the Bible folks

Will the new science “prove” that God is in everything?

FEATURE-Babylon's future written in its ruins | Reuters

Please note this is a Rueters story and not a conspiracy novel.
Not mentioned in this story is the fact that the US embassy in Babylon is the largest and most expensive American embassy ever built; and it's in the ancient ruins of Babylon instead of Rome or Tokyo or London or....

FEATURE-Babylon's future written in its ruins | Reuters

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the Altar Call

This from Apostasy Watch. Personally this gives me a lot to think about. My Church experience has always put a priority on the 'altar call'. This may well be an area I will have to bring God's word to bear on my experience.Opinions welcomed

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the Altar Call at Christian Research Net

Saturday, May 15, 2010

YouTube - WOTM - Shai Linne Songs

Todd Friel and the team critique Shai Linne's music. It's fair to say they're very impressed. Don't know your views on Rap music but this may surprise and encourage you.

YouTube - WOTM - Shai Linne Songs

Monday, May 10, 2010

Herescope: R&R Revival and Revolt

For Australian readers who may not be aware of the Dominionist agenda,there is some good info in this article. The NAR are involved in Australian circles and it would be a good thing for discerning Christians to be alert to this unscriptural movement.

Click on link below to read

Herescope: R&R Revival and Revolt

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cliff Kincaid -- Manipulation, Not Error, Behind Market Plunge

When I heard that the world's financial markets had experienced one of the greatest one day downturns in history as a reult of someone accidentally pushing the wrong buton,I thought that it sounded a bit suspicious. The article hear by Cliff Kincaid points out how highly unlikely this is.

Click on link to read

Cliff Kincaid -- Manipulation, Not Error, Behind Market Plunge

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Climate Change Hysteria Revives

Just when you thought the climate change scare was dead in the (not so rising)water,a gaggle of scientists have issued a document bemoaning the fact that people have turned off to the man-made scam.

Apparently the fact that scientists had been busted deliberately fudging the results of evidence to support their hyperventilating hypothesis, is insufficient reason to doubt what they say.

Thinking people have long noticed that climate does indeed change, from day to day and season to season, but those discerning doubters have been scorned and mocked as sceptics and deniers rather than logical and not so easily fooled.

Why are these scions of science trying to breathe life back into an argument that even the ABC had given up on? Well, the old saying "Follow the money" may be appropriate, and as there are no other looming disasters on the horizon at the moment(give them time)they need to do all in their power to protect their jobs...oops I mean planet.

I do wonder why the left-wing main stream media weren't so quick to alert us to the 30,000+ scientists who signed a document a year or so ago saying in no uncertain terms the whole man-caused climate change nonsense was a scam.

Apart from the obvious reasons that some scientists desire to reinvigorate this dead issue,why do others seem so quick to jump on the band-wagon?
It's difficult to say for sure ,but it seems that left-wingers with their hyper-green theology just want it to be true, to add weight to the extreme rants they've been issuing for years.These wind-powered Chicken Littles really need some global catastrophes to verify the infallibility of their green papal decrees. And governments the world over love anything that gives them the opportunity to increase power and raise taxes.This climate hoax has given them the opportunity to do both.

Let me tell you as a non-scientist but reasonably intelligent being and as a Bible reading and Bible believing Christian, the earth will be destroyed one day but not by man. It will be destroyed by God.When He determines the time is right, the world will be destroyed, at His command and in it's place will be a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.He also is going to judge every man and woman for all the sins that offend His holiness ,including lies. And those who have not prior to that day accepted the amnesty he offers in Christ will experience an eternal warming which will make some rue the day they continued to push the scam of global warming.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Willow Creek's delusion about 'social justice'

An interesting article over at World Net Daily highlights the ongoing agenda of many churches to abandon biblical principles in favour of a nice sounding but undefined "social justice" priority.For those unfamiliar with WND it's one of the largest Internet news providers today and is certainly not focused on purely Christian issues but is primarily American political commentary.The founder and editor Joseph Farrah does openly confess Christ however, and often presents news that the mainstream media ignore or downplay.

Click on link below

Willow Creek's delusion about 'social justice'

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Paul Proctor -- Christians Partner With Pagans For A Better World

OK, here is some classic Paul Proctor,which although a little dated, is very pertinent in regards to what Rick Warren's agenda has been for some time now.If you desire to educate yourself on the interfaith, ecumenical and compromised ideas of some well-known "evangelicals" this article may help.Follow the links Paul provides to be informed

Paul Proctor -- Christians Partner With Pagans For A Better World

New World Order

Matthew Johnston over at The Narrow Way has graciously asked that I contribute regularly on his fine blog,which I have with great pleasure agreed to do.You can find the link on the Profile page.(I'm still learning the ropes with computer skills and am not sure how to link here in the body of this post.)

Any way, this gives me the opportunity to post information here of a more political nature in relation to the scheming that I believe strongly is going on behind the scenes as men conspire to achieve their Utopian goals of global government,global currency and a global religion.

The goal of this is simply that we not be blind-sided as Christians;especially in relation to the global religion that is being forced on us, sometimes by those respected as Christian leaders.

The following article by Michael LeMieux is useful for the quotes of well-known politicians in regard to their dark aims.

Click on link to read article

Michael LeMieux -- The Military and the New World Order

Monday, May 3, 2010

Revival or Reformation? » Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch

Here I am working on a post entitled Revival,Reformation and Awakening , and I come across this article by Bill Muehlenberg at Culture Watch .He just posted it today ,and as a fellow Aussie who seems to 'get it'and as he wrote more succinctly than I could, I recommend you read this article and other articles on his site.
Click on the link below

Revival or Reformation? » Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Famine of Hearing the Words of the LORD

Amos 8:11-12
"Behold the days are coming ",says the Lord GOD,"That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread,nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD.They shall wander from sea to sea,and from north to east;They shall run to and fro,seeking the word of the LORD,but shall not find it.

I come across it all the time these days ;God's people famished ,weak from starvation ;appeasing their hunger with spiritual junk food and bearing the consequences in their lives.
Christians I know, who once were well-fed and strong and vibrant in their faith are now listless and dry and embracing all kinds of sugar-coated lies.Where once they fed on the life-giving meat of the word,now they settle for the pleasant and deadly words of men.

There is a famine in the land.

Amos wrote to the nation of Israel, but church history clearly demonstrates that the truth of this passage has occurred regularly since those days. The middle ages are infamous for men of religion locking up the word of God and doling out starvation rations of sub-scriptural sustenance mixed with the deadly poison of mans traditions...and yet where are we today? Those who once were focused on a heavenly mansion are now infatuated with an earthly "Shack". Men and women who once were seeking their God now are seeking their "purpose"and those who followed the Ancient truths of the Ancient of Days are now studying the philosophical foolishness of "A New Kind of Christianity"

There is a famine in the land.

How have we forgotten that the word of God is the... well WORD of GOD.?
What has gotten in to us that we would settle for the words of men?
Why can't we see the deadly danger of treating the Holy things of God with such flippant folly.
The faith of many is dissipating , the lives of many disintegrating and demonic legions are celebrating as God's church starves herself to death.

There is a famine in the land.

And yet there are those who are seeking ,there are those who are tired of feeding on the dry husks of the pig-pen when they know there is a banquet waiting in the Father's house. Just as in the days of the reformation when God raised up preachers and teachers who turned the eyes of the people back to the Book, today there is a stirring and here and there pockets of resistance to the occupying forces of apostasy ,heresy and apathy.

There is a famine in the land...

But there are also those who are beginning to rouse themselves from their slumber ..they are tired of being tired and are desiring a return to their first love.There are those who are beginning to lay hold of the God of Heaven that He might rain down spiritual blessing on the land .

There is a famine in the land...

But some are heeding the call to return to the green pastures of the great Shepherd.
Some are tired of religiously correct theories and are returning to the life-giving certainties of the immutable word of our God.

For sure there is a famine in the land...

But God who is rich in mercy will respond to the heartfelt cries of His people.
He will raise up shepherds after His own heart.
If we seek Him, we will find Him;probably not prosperity, popularity or purpose, but Him. If we will in worshipful awe open His word for Him,He will in mercy open His word to us.

There is a famine in the land ...
and it's a deadly plague but there is also hope in the land and there are those who are blowing the trumpet in Zion and there are those who are heeding the call, rending their hearts and crying out for an end to the famine in the land.