Sunday, February 7, 2010

Faith in 3D( Discernment, Deception and Delusion)Pt 2

I want to continue on the theme of my last post .

Maybe it can be summed up like this "Truth begets truth error begets error)

The psalmist cries in Ps 119v18"Open my eyes ,that I may see wondrous things from your Law."He clearly understood that understanding the Word of God is more than just an intellectual exercise. Now, of course the mind is involved but it's God who gives the light .This is why Paul prays in Eph 1. 17ff that God would grant the Ephesians the spirit of wisdom and revelation and that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened.
Discernment comes as God grants insight...and discernment is recognizing what's right as well as what's wrong.To submit to ,rejoice in and embrace truth clears the way for God to give more" to him who has more will be given".

Of course there is the flip side as described in Romans Ch.1 Gods wrath is revealed against those who suppress the truth.
Now God's righteous anger is not a popular topic today{perhaps it never has been) but it's true never the less...and amongst the multitude of ways that this wrath is revealed is described here in Chapter 1 of Romans.Their hearts are darkened vs21 ,God gives them up to perversion vs24 and vs 26 and God gives them over to a debased mind.
Resist God's truth reap deception and delusion. Eventually the Sovereign Lord may declare a truth famine as described in Amos 8:10-12. What a terrifying thought! Someone has said (maybe Paul Washer) that churches such as Joel Osteen's etc are in fact a judgement from God as people refuse to discern and submit to His truth. The thought being that God allows these ministries to prosper for a time to discipline those who refuse to believe God. Those who attend these churches and embrace the teachings of those such as Osteen,Warren,Hybells,Maclaren and sadly ,I think Houston will indeed find they are famished ,starved of the life giving sustenance of the whole counsel of God.The result of which is deception and delusion. The remedy is repentance and obeying the Lord when He says "come out and be separate" Jesus put it like this "Leave them they are blind guides "and the only result you can expect from following a blind guide is that you both will fall into a pit.

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